Processo adaptativo R-H global conjugado com método multimalha para elementos finitos




This work describes the implementation and evaluation of a global R-H adaptive process for plane problems in elasticity. The generated linear system is solved using a Multigrid algorithm, taking full advantage of the similarity of the data structure generated during refinement with the one required by the solver. The method was implemented using the System for Finite Element Software Development (SDP). Three problems were analysed and used for validation of the proposed algorithm, comparision with Gauss and Gauss-Seidel, and acessing the sensibility to parameter change and mesh irregularity. Obtained results using R-H adaptive process and perfomance of tlhe solver were compared to data from the literature, and considered satisfactory. Finally, suggestions are made to broaden tlhe scope of this study.


engenharia de estruturas teses. método dos elementos finitos teses.

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