"Processamento distribuído de áudio em tempo real" / "Distributed Real-Time Audio Processing"




Computer systems for real-time multimedia processing require high processing power. Problems that depend on high processing power are usually solved by using parallel or distributed computing techniques; however, the combination of the difficulties of both real-time and parallel programming has led the development of applications for real-time multimedia processing for general purpose computer systems to be based on centralized and single-processor systems. In several systems for multimedia processing, there is a need for low latency during the interaction with the user, which reinforces the tendency towards single-processor development. In this work, we implemented a mechanism for synchronous and distributed audio processing with low latency on a local area network which makes the use of a low cost distributed system for this kind of processing possible. The main goal is to allow the use of distributed systems for recording and editing of musical material in home and small studios, bypassing the need for high-cost equipment. The system we implemented is made of two parts: the first, generic, implemented as a middleware for synchronous and distributed processing of continuous media with low latency; and the second, based on the first, geared towards audio processing and compatible with legacy applications based on the standard LADSPA interface. We expect that future research and applications that share the needs of the system developed here make use of the middleware we developed, both for other kinds of audio processing as well as for the processing of other media forms, such as video.


computação paralela computação musical free software jack jack linux parallel computing baixa latência software livre ladspa ladspa low latency sistemas distribuídos distributed systems computer music

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