Prisioners from the same history : maternal love behind the jail / Prisioneiras de uma mesma história : o amor materno atrás das grades




This study emphasizes the maternal love in women which are prisioned in a Feminine Jail in Tatuapé - São Paulo, in the period from 2001 to 2003. From 30 interviewed motherstellings and with reference to the areas of Psychology, Laws, Sociology, History and Philosophy, it is identified that the speech about the maternal love is a social construction of genre with peculiarities of specific inteligibility. The maternal love which is described by these mothers evidences, by one side, values of archaic and universal character in the human culture, which confer to loving experience over human qualities of onipotency, immortality and indivisibility. By other side, it expresses values tipically belonged to middle-class - dream of the maternity, the romantic love, the ideal of the family, the son as a gift and the model mother - presented in the ocidental culture from the 18th century and the 19th centuries. The manifestation of these motherslove for their children suffers influence from their concrete experiences as daughters and the relationship which have lost - or not - with their sons before the prision. Jailed mothers who have lived little time with their own mothers or sons and have a tendency to show a greater grade of idealization of the tender qualities of the mother and the mother love. Mothers who can try the maternal love in a consistent way, they leave evident that this love is built in a presence relation with the child. The prisons arent projected to sheld women and they reflect, in their practices, masculine values. The current way as this institution mediates the contacts between the prisioned mothers and their children indicates the presence of stereotypes and prejudices and this may be considered as an obstacle to the mantennance of the love relation. So, this research indicates that it is necessary to adopt corretive measures in the prision system, so as to garantee the rights to these mothers in order to exert their maternity , and it suggests alternatives to this situation emphasizing, overalls, that the proximity with the children is a factor of mental health and stimulation in the process of social reintegration.


amor materno gênero mães presas maternal love feminine prisons jailed mothers gender prisões femininas

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