Prisão e ressocialização: um estudo sobre o Sistema Penitenciário da Bahia




Prison and capitalism have nourished longlasting ties. Since the first outlines of human imprisonment as a substitution to corporal punishments, one of the elements to confer prison the full development and its attachment as mainpenalty was the economic model then existent: capitalism. Therefore, analyzing the relations between imprisonment and capitalism, by pervading the study with an incursion over the myth of resocialization of the condemned individual is the main purpose of this Dissertation. The present debate is inaugurated by a historical bypass, starting from the birth of the jail up to its sedimentation within occidental legislation and culture. The relations between imprisonment and capitalism are then denuded (from the mercantilism to the flexible accumulation), which demonstrates that all along history one depended upon the other one in order to reach the intended goals. The approach of the theme is now in a particularly documental, empirical analysis, over the actual reality of the prison system in Bahia, by arousing the questions on the validity of this form of punishment, face to the already declared goals.


jail; penitentiary; direito penal pena penitenciário; prisão; prison; penalty. ressocialização; cárcere; resocialization;

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