Prevalencia de sinequias uterinas em mulheres apos curetagem pos aborto




Background: Approximately 15% of all gestations will end as spontaneous abortions. Uterine curettage is the mainstay for uterine evacuation when necessary. Intrauterine adhesion (IUA) is a possible complication of curettage. Because IUA is an important cause of infertility, some investigators have been advocating for its inclusion in the routine investigational workup after every abortion curettages. The aim of this study was the evaluation of the uterine cavity of patients subjected to abortion curettage; in order to obtain direct and accurate measures of IUA prevalence in these women.and associations with social and clinical factors Materials and Methods: For this cross-sectional study, a total of 109 consecutive women have been enrolled. The investigators searched the records of UNICAMP´s women?s hospital for patients that had been subjected to uterine curettage following abortion. The hysteroscopy was performed three to twelve months after the curettage. The correlations between patients? characteristics and prevalence of IUA have been assessed through the calculation of chi-squares and with the Fisher?s Exact test. Results: The prevalence of IUA was 37.6%. Most patients have had only one previous abortion (73.4%) In this study 62.4% of abortions have been classified as incomplete and 37.5% as missed abortion. The proportion of women with IUA was significantly higher among non-white women. Number of previous abortions and curettages did not correlate with presence of IUA. Most of women (56.1%) presented with IUA grade I and 68.3% were mucous. Conclusion: In the present study 37.6% of women submitted to curettage for abortion had IUA. None of demographic and clinic characteristics evaluated had been associated with IUA


infecundidade aborto histeroscopia

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