Prevalência de alimentação complementar no Brasil




The opportune nutrition is important in the critical period of the first infant to promote the health of the child. The alimentary recommendation for children in the first semester of life is the exclusive breastfeeding. After this period, starts the complementary feeding. The low prevalence of complementary feeding assumes characteristics of important problem of public health, therefore it can take to the increase of the rates of mortality and morbidity. Therefore, it becomes relevant to measure the frequency of this feeding practice. With this purpose the WHO proposed in 2003 simplified indicator, that estimates the prevalence of infants with age between 210 to 299 days that are in complementary feeding. As the reached values the percentages are classified in poor (0% - 59%), fair (60% -79%), good (80%-94%) and very good (95%-100%). Objectives To estimate the prevalence of complementary feeding, children not breasfed and exclusive breastfeeding in infants in the age of 210 to 299 days in Brazil; To situate the Brazilian capitals in relation the prevalence of complementary feeding in the classification of the WHO. Method - This work makes a new analysis of the data of complementary feeding of the national breastfeeding cross- sectional study population-based carried out during the national campaign of vaccination in 16 of October of 1999. The data had been analyzed of 12,077 children of 210 to 299 days, selected for systematic sampling and followed by their mothers. It was used current status for all the feeding modalities. It had study pilot, training of the interviewers, supervision of the procedures and instruction manual elaboration. The analysis of the data was made y logistic regression for the attainment of the estimates of prevalence of the complementary feeding, the children not breastfed and the exclusive breastfeeding for Brazil, capitals and regions. All the estimates had been given by point and interval ( the 95%confidence interval). For all the estimates the statistical program SAS was used. Results - The prevalence of complementary feeding in Brazil was 48.1%. The greater percentile of complementary feeding was in Belém 67.6% and Macapá 60.2%, that they had presented regular percentages of complementary feeding, in the others capitals this frequency is classified as bad. The minor was in Maceió 34.2%. In Brazil, the estimate prevalence of children not breastfed, was 45.9%. The exclusive breastfeeding had frequency of 2,1% in the age of 210 to 299 days. Conclusion - Brazil presents a bad prevalence of complementary feeding according to classification of the WHO.


nutricao exclusive breastfeeding complementary feeding children not brestfed alimentação complementar crianças não amamentadas prevalence aleitamento materno exclusivo prevalência

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