Prevalence and factors associated intrafamily violence against children in an area served by the family health strategy. / PrevalÃncia e fatores associados a violÃncia Intrafamiliar contra crianÃa em uma Ãrea Atendida pela EstratÃgia SaÃde da FamÃlia.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The phenomenon of violence is of great importance for public health because of magnitude, severity and social impact on individual health and collective worldwide. Violence against children has historical roots, economic and cultural consequences and causes physical and / or mental defects which remain recorded throughout life, affecting their development. Objectives: (1) determine the prevalence of family violence against children in an area covered by the Family Health Program in the city of Fortaleza, (2) describe types of violence that affect children, (3) identify the types of violence physics used by parents / guardians, (4) to determine the prevalence of violence marriage that occurs within families with mothers, (5) estimate the risk factors for physical violence against children. Method: Cross-sectional study population sample of 402 children (<12 years) and their mothers (15-49 years) residents in low-income neighborhood in the city of Fortaleza, covered by Family Health Strategy. The standardized instruments were applied by trained interviewers: CORE questionnaire (WorldSAFE), to assess violence intrafamilial and associated factors; Screening Questionnaire Problems Adult Mental Health in the community (SRQ) and the Classification Questionnaire Economic Family (ANEP), for determination of economic classes, according to the power consumption of the family. The primary endpoint was the existence of some physical violence against children committed by parents / guardians. Were evaluated three groups of potential associated factors: relating to the child, parent / guardian and family. This research study is part of the World Domestic Violence (WorldSAFE). Result: the high prevalence rates physical violence against children were not severe violence (81.6%) and severe violence (23.6%) the mother being the main aggressor (79.4%). The male had 1.19 times higher risk of the child being "victimized" (PR: 1.19 CI: 1.09 to 1.29) and over two years with a risk 1.36 times more likely (PR: 1.36 CI: 1.03 to 1.79). The study found a prevalence of domestic violence in the last twelve months 21% mental health of the mother (p <0.04), physical violence during childhood (p <0.02), marital violence in the last 12 months (p <0.00), suicide attempt, presence of depressed mood, alcohol / other drugs and drunkenness by his husband / partner had statistically significant. The families with disadvantaged socioeconomic status had higher frequency of marital violence. Conclusion: The prevalence of physical violence against child was considered high. Factors associated with practices of violence were: age (older than two years) and child gender (male), related to parent / guardian: mental health problem, physical violence in childhood, marital violence in the last twelve months, presence of depressed mood, suicide attempt, low socioeconomic level, alcohol and / or other drugs and intoxication of the husband / partner. It is recommended greater investment in policy mental health in primary care and greater involvement of professionals Family Health in the prevention of family violence


saude coletiva saÃde da famÃlia violÃncia domÃstica

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