Preliminares sobre a fonética e a fonologia da língua falada pelo primeiro grupo de índios Korúbo recém-contatados




The main goal of this thesis is to provide a first description of the phonetics and phonology of the Korúbo language, as well as to show some aspects of the culture and history of the people who speaks this language. The present work also puts forth the first linguistic evidences that this language pertain to the Pano family and that it can be classified as closer to Matís and Mayorúna than to other Panoan languages. The data of this research was collected during three sessions of field work with the Korúbo Indian group contacted in 1996, which is located on the left margin of the lower Ituí river (an affluent of the Itaquaí, which is itself an affluent of the Javari river), on the southwestern region of the Amazonas state. The phonetic description of the recorded data was purportedly narrow, working out a detailed and fine-grained description of the sounds of the Korubo language. It is understood that this is a necessary first step towards a thorough phonological analysis. In this phonological analysis, based on an articulatory description, we sought to describe how the sound units are organized and function in this language (cf. Hyman 1975:2). All the work is based on the phoneme concept (cf. Trubetzkoy 1939:10; Swadesh 1934), considering nevertheless the role played by the concept of distinctive feature in phonological theory (cf. Jakobson at al. 1942; Jakobson and Halle 1956; Halle e Clements 1992). The distinctive function of the sounds was established or motivated by the comparison of minimal and analogous pairs of lexical items. This analysis was complemented by taking into account the distribution of these sound units. The data are yet of a restricted kind, due to the fact that this language is spoken by a recently contacted monolingual indigenous group, a situation in which data elicitation conditions are far from ideal. With this study we not only expect to contribute to the knowledge of the Korúbo language and consequently of the Pano family, but we also present the first remarks and descriptions of aspects of the culture and the history of this people, albeit in a preliminary and sketchy form.


fonética e fonologia ligüística descritiva línguas indígenas linguistica

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