Práticas culturais dos jovens: um novo olhar sobre os jovens no campo da saúde. / Cultural practices of the young: a new look to young in the field of health.




This study aims to understand the meanings of cultural practices and meanings produced by people in a given context and seeks to know the constraints encountered and perceived in their biographical trajectories because of the assumption that the practices of these experiences occur and the appropriate resources and tools and re-appropriate for them in that context. The research was conducted in two phases: a) an ethnography of the neighborhood of Cosme de Farias to describe the context where young people build their biographical trajectories, and where they develop their practices, b) analysis of the narratives of young people on the contingencies experienced by them in their paths of life and their meanings and meanings of cultural practices developed by communities to which they belong. This ethnographic study was guided by hermeneutic phenomenological perspective and makes use of different strategies for their development research, including: a survey, implementation of surveys, collection of geographical coordinates, depth interviews with young people and observation of practice. Data analysis was done by different resources and strategies, such as softwares Arc View and QSR Nvivo 2.0 to geographical information and analysis textual material, and the life stories respectively. From this, we identified some categories that guided the conduct of analysis. From the perspective of young people, the neighborhood has problems, particularly violence - directly linked to drug trafficking and drug use, and female promiscuity. There are problems of young people, but problems that affect all who live in the neighborhood, and are directly related to the lack of occupation, such as work, leisure and training for young people. In the exhaustive reading of the narratives of young people on their biographical trajectories, the notion of contingency is the device to identify possibilities and vicissitudes, as aspects that are constitutive. Thus, aggression and difficulty of material and symbolic survival were founding to the occurrence of disruptions in these paths, detours and not explained away by the young, particularly the family. From these vicissitudes, chances are spoken, such as a possible presence of the family, the emergence of key persons and the possible forms of earnings, which would define how the young. Among the possibilities opening up, young people have ways of confronting the vicissitudes collective, called the study as cultural practices. These practices are presented as "tactics of resistance" to situations of discomfort and as a generator of change in the lives of young people. In this sense, it is important to recognize that there is local knowledge and practices that have meanings and meanings for those who live in these spaces, and that the field of health must be open to recognize these possibilities not always known and established his own field of expertise.


ethnographic bairro district youths saude publica etnografia contingency cultural practices etnografia práticas culturais jovens contingência

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