Portraits, memory and identity : a rapproachement between monotypes and photography / Retratos, memoria e identidade : uma aproximação entre a monotipia e a fotografia




Portraits, Memory and Identity, a rapprochement between monotypes and photography - is a story of the poetic journey of building on issues related to memory and identity, focusing the monotypes and then the picture. Are experiences, thoughts and inferences about the artistic production with mixed, as collagraph and print on acetate, developed at the Research Center in Engraving of Unicamp. As we face the issue of inference of the look, the ownership of the portrait photographs of family, memory as a trigger of sensations and memories of the past, and the search for an identity/difference that needs to be represented. A search of monotypes, like language adopted, it follows the technique of printing on acetate and the results of these experiments, as the forms obtained are related directly to the content, the breakdown of support for the paper clay and its implications on the content and shape


portrait monotipia memory monotype memoria imagens digitalizadas image scanning retratos fotografia identidade identity photography

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