Políticas públicas e vínculos privados: uma análise do novo padrão de ação estatal na educação de jovens e adultos em Araraquara.




The present work aimed to analyze the educational politics implemented for the overcoming of the illiteracy in the Primary Education, in its modality of attending young people and adults, starting from the 1990s. Our central objective was to understand how these programs were delimited facing the direction of the publicization of the social services and the directions from the reforms implemented in Brazil in the 1990s. We took as empirical basis for our study the actions developed in the city of Araraquara in the period from 2001 to 2006, emphasizing the partnership between the City Department of Education and a philantropic entity. We intended to understand how the promotion of partnerships between the public power and the not-state entities can be considered as a factor of excellency for a wider administrative rationality, based in the principles of the effectiveness, efficiency and effectivity of the services offered to the citizens, or whether the partnerships carried through with these institutions affirm the principles of a political culture based on the boundaries of the patrimonialism and the clientelism, structural marks in the formation of the Brazilian State.


parceria público-privada education of young people and adults políticas públicas educação de jovens e adultos state public politics and non-state public politics parcerias (administração) política educacional illiteracy partnerships educacao de adultos analfabetismo educational politics

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