Políticas públicas de lazer em Belém: um estudo sobre a gestão coletiva implementada pelo poder público municipal no período de 2001 a 2004.




This study has resulted from my own inquisitiveness over the entertainment conception presented by the public policies and developed throughout the country, as well as its management models, which possibly uncover in its format and methods, the contradictions of a capitalist society. It was meant to analyze, the methods and strategies for public management implemented by the COMBAT community center, departing from the entertainment programs provided by the Education Municipal Secretary -SEMEC / Sports and Entertainment Coordination - CEAL from Belém (PA), questioning the effective promotion of popular participation in the construction of municipal policies. The investigation has been oriented by the following issue: Have the actions taken by the government at COMBAT Municipal Center from 2001 through 2004, effectively promoted participative management involving the community? Our theoretical and methodological orientation, led us to the utilization of Marxists perspectives, mainly represented by Gramsci. We have interviewed subjects from the community and members of the team of managers who have experienced actions of the projects Felizcidade and Lazer- Porque Esta Rua é Minha Happycity and Entertainment Because this is my street (Castanheira city ward, COMBAT community Center). The results revealed the participation in the management process, has proved effective at some stages and showed different degrees of decision at the levels of consultation and deliberation, however, not reaching the elaboration of such policies. These aspects point to the fact that the methodology applied to articulate the two projects: Felizcidade and Lazer: Porque Esta Rua é Minha, fostered possibilities for the practice of team constructive work not only for the managers group, but also for the community itself (action- reflectionaction).


políticas públicas educacao lazer gestão participativa leisure participação popular popular participation public policies participative management

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