Políticas para formação de professores de língua estrangeira: o curso de letras do Centro Universitário de Várzea Grande-MT UNIVAG




The present research, is inserted in the research line Educational Politics: Management of the School and Formation of Professors, of the Mestrado in Education of the University Catholic Dom Bosco, and has as study object the formation of professors in foreign language. It considers of utmost importance the analysis of the formation politics, data that, in the decade of 1990, if intensified the debate in lathe of this thematic one as consequence of the reforms of the Brazilian education. The study it approaches, specifically, the course of Letters of the University Great Fertile valley Center, Mato Grosso - UNIVAG, created in 1999, that it contemplates the education of languages and it aims at the formation of professors by means of the full licenciatura. The general objective of the research is to carry through an analysis of the impact of the Politics of Formation of Professors after-LDB in the licenciatura courses, specifically in the course of Letters of the University Fertile valley Center Great - UNIVAG, that offers the education of foreign languages and aims at the formation of professors in the Full Licenciatura, analyzing, also, the pedagogical projects of the institution. As objective specific, we aim at to analyze the implantation and implementation of the course of letters of the UNIVAG - University Center, having as reference the Pedagogical Projects since 1999 the 2004 and to analyze the three politician-pedagogical projects of the UNIVAG, being verified the actions that had motivated the diverse changes. It was used as methodology the study of case for the development of the inquiry, leaving of documentary a bibliographical research and (laws, decrees, you would carry, instituc ional reports, statistical data, among others sources). We consider that institution UNIVAG always tended to answer to the order of the MEC, as if it can observe in the elaboration and reformularization of its pedagogical projects


formação de professores de língua estrangeira projetos pedagógicos formation of professors of foreign language educacao licenciatura em letras. licenciatura in letters. pedagogical projects

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