Planejamento participativo como instrumento de aprendizado




Considering the fundamental role the State must play on the economic and social order to overcome the context of historical inequality and social injustice in our country, and considering as a tenet that good State governance is a basic element for the efficient achievement of this objective, this work examines participatory planning, in particular using ZOPP Method, as an instrument to promote a special kind of learning which can promote governance improvement. The theoretical framework on which the examination is based has its origin, in what concerns planning thought, in the work of John Friedmann, who offers a classification of the traditions of thought in planning and who also proposes a method, the Radical Planning, that articulates the conceptions of the tradition of Social Learning, which can meet the challenges facing planning practice in the public domain nowadays, and also the work of Carlos Matus, whose theoretical production specifically addresses governance improvement in Latin America; in respect to learning, the Activity Theory offers the tenets for the proposal, formulated for Yrjö Engeström, of Expansive Learning, a reflexive, deliberate and collective type of human activity, which emerges within other activities, and whose object is the transformation of these other activities, through the overcoming of its internal contradictions, seeking socially new forms of the central activity


public policy participatory management capacidade de gestão participatory planning educacional management politicas publicas gestão participativa gestão educacional management capacity planejamento participativo

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