Pescadores artesanais e políticas públicas em Anchieta-ES / Artisanal fishers and public policies on Anchieta-ES




The research was to examine the access of artisanal fishers to resources of the National Program for Strengthening Family Farming (Pronaf) in the municipality of Anchieta-ES from the representations and meanings attributed to it by social actors involved with it. The artisanal fisheries, officially framed as an activity of family farming, allowed the insertion of fishermen and public beneficiary of the program. However, this framework, from the definition of artisanal fishermen as "family farmer" can help to hide or invisibility of their own characteristics and demands of family fishing activity. To define the artisanal fishermen as beneficiaries, the Pronaf establishes guidelines and criteria for entering the fishermen who join the program in a circuit of institutional relations in order to support its socioeconomic development. This support, in the current context of the municipality of Anchieta - living serious economic changes that have direct and negative impact on the fishing activities of small - seems to be an important aid for the social reproduction of the artisanal fishermen despite not meeting the demands and peculiarities of rate. In this sense, the reasons for conducting the field research was the use of qualitative methodology, the method is added to semi-structured and techniques of direct observation and participant. The artisanal fishermen and farmers are different categories with some similarities that are framed by Pronaf under similar conditions for access to credit. Therefore not a policy targeted to artisanal fishermen, but for farmers, the Pronaf not effectively meet the specificities of the universe for fishing access to credit. This framework refers to the invisibility of the artisanal fisheries and the inefficiency of the State to promote alternatives to allow insertion of the artisanal fisheries in the proposal of Pronaf value and the specific demands of that segment. It is important to consider the diversity of the segments of Pronafs beneficiaries not only in terms of income, but especially in the organizational aspects, cultural, educational, technological and others that characterize and define the demand for each segment.


pesca artesanal pronaf políticas públicas extensao rural artisanal fish pronaf public policies

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