Perspectivas pós-humanas nas ciberartes / Perspectivas pós-humanas nas ciberartes




This research contextualizes and analyzes the polemic and visionary artistic production of some cyberartists that have been constantly thinking over technological advances in the areas of genetics, robotics and telematics, and their relationship with the body and the conscience. These technologies are of central importance to the configuration of works that question the biological condition of the humankind and lay eyes on a possible symbiotic relation between man, machine and biotechnology, which might result in a new posthuman species. As outcome of the research the experimental part of this thesis the author narrates the development of a fictional universe inspired by those works and their creatorsconsiderations, and also presents several artistic works framed in paper and in hypermedia.


cyberart poéticas digitais digital poetics ficção científica pós-humano processo criativo creative process ciberarte science fiction posthuman

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