Perfil dos produtores, características das propriedades e qualidade do leite bovino nos municípios de Esmeraldas e Sete Lagoas - MG.




Bovine milk producers profiles, property caracteristics, and milk quality in Esmeraldas and Sete Lagoas MG. In a productive aproache with emphasis in the qualitative search, 60 milk producers from Esmeraldas and Sete Lagoas, counties in Minas Gerais (MG) state were interviewed. A survey of the economic profile of the producers and the milk quality associated with it was done. The results showed good level of instruction of the producers, with great participation of other activities giving financial support to the production systems. The most used system was semi intensive with introduction of technology, mainly concerning with reproduction and calf management. The solid non fat (SNF), protein and fat content means were 8,54, 3,16 and 3,60% respectively, with low oscillations among systems. The means values of total bacterial count (TBC) and somatic cell count (SCC) were 1.472.803 UFC and 655.739 céls/mL, with high instability, mainly for TBC. These results showed correlations with milking practices and dry cow therapy. The average daily production was 469 liters (45,5 to 2549,5 liters) fluctuating due to infrastructure and management practices adopted. The profile of the producers didnt have correlations with the quality of milk. It was observed possibilities for development as quantitative and qualitative aspects of milk production.


propriedade rural aspectos econômicos teses leite produção teses proprietário rural perfil teses propriedade rural aspectos sociais teses leite qualidade teses

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