Perfil de eliminação de agentes infecciosos envolvidos em rinite na espécie suína / Elimination profile of infectious agents related with rhinitis in swine specie




Respiratory diseases are one of the largest cause of economic losses in swine industry, it is related with grown and weight gain reduction, mortality, vaccines and medicaments costs, veterinary assistance. In that context, rinithis cases have been a major contribution. The present study propose the determination of elimination profile of agents related with rhinitis evaluating different ages in nine swine herds with history of cornet lesions and that uses different ways to control and prevent this problem. There were examined tonsils swabs from 12 animals in the following ages: sows, piglets of 20, 40 60 days and pigs of 90, 110 and 140 days, totalizing 84 pigs for farm. The swabs were searched to P. multocida capsular type A and D, dermonecrotic toxin gene from P. multocida, B. bronchiseptica and porcine cytomegalovirus through polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Despite de turbinate bones lesions present in all herds P. multocida type A was detected in only one pig and none were positive to dermonecrotic toxin gene. From 756 animals, 22 (2.9%) were positive to B. bronchiseptica and 198 (26.1%) to porcine cytomegalovirus detection. The presence of B. bronchiseptica presented statistical association with the farrowing and finishing times. Larger number of animals positive to cytomegalovirus show statistical association with the post weaning pigs. Sows carrying B. bronchiseptica in the three types of herds examined, suggesting that sows have an active participation in piglet infection by this agent. The same was not observed in porcine cytomegalovirus spread. More projects were need to clarify the low detection of P. multocida and to understand the impact of cytomegalovirus in swine production.


pcr rhinitis swine rinite cytomegalovirus cytomegalovirus suíno pcr

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