Peregrino da América e André Peralta: dois personagens itinerantes do século XVIII




What could have in common among the characters, Pilgrim from America. of the book Compêndio Narrativo do Peregrino da América, of Nuno Marques Pereira and the soldier André Peralta, present in the story, Obras do Diabinho da mão furada, of Antônio José da Silva, the Jew? Although it seems an interpretative abyss to exist among both, once the first is work Christian stamp moralist and the second, an ironic and picaresque narrative, these histories finished being revealed several themes in common. Both were written in the peak of the Portuguese Inquisition. They are works of the Baroque period and as such, their characters are ambiguous and contradictory beings, oscillating among the faith blinds and the mocking laughter. As much André Peralta as the Pilgrim they are cheap itinerant, men without home fasten, seemingly moralists, they describe and they criticize the society and their sore spots hardly, such as the religious fanaticism, Saint Occupation s rigidities, the injustices partners, everything this temperate with the devil s presence, witchcrafts and other magic elements that so much astonished the Baroque man s imagination.


literatura brasileira- história e crítica metrópole cologne barroco inquisition character wandering pilgrimage colônia devil teoria literaria personagens literários diabo personagem andarilho metropolis inquisição baroque barroco (literatura brasileira) peregrinação

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