Pensamento crítico-teórico de Aquino Corrêa: considerações sobre crítica e teoria literárias em Mato Grosso / Critical-theoretical thought of Aquino Corrêa: considerations about literary criticism and theory in Mato Grosso


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work looks for to explore point of view of the Aquino Corrêa that ahead estimates the adoption of a critical behavior of the poem seated in the analysis of the form and the content, admitting the existence of a norm of use of the language in the literary modality capable to express in the workmanship the distinction of these two entities: the form and the contents or the deep substance.The perspective adopted for the accomplishment of this study was of analysis of the critical speech with that Aquino Corrêa analyzes these two entities to determine the function of the workmanships in the interior of the literary system of where they had emerged. The basis of our argument is in his biobibliography we choose the basic points that support the particular style of the writer and the criteria that the same defends to conceive the high text to the literary category by means of the treatment excused to the form and the content.The theoretical basic principle of this thesis is based in the conception of the universal nature of the literary text consisting in the place where the content in such a way gains definitive form for the process of writing how much of analysis of the text implying in essential procedures to the literary accomplishment of the critical one, which analyzes the workmanship configured in the simultaneous unclasping of a structure and a thought, in the solidary amalgam of a form and an individual experience. In this relation they distinguish it literature while creative art and the literary studies as one specialized approach from the text that it makes possible to the critical one to translate creative of literature the experience through specific procedures that subsidize it and they legitimize it. In this prism where the text is analyzed in its structural categories and the relations of means with the author, the literary language subordinates it definitive linguistics norms that they function in such a way as regulating of the procedures of elaboration as of critical evaluation of the text, promoting the purification of the excesses in such a way of the revolutionary language of the modern movement how much of the lusófilos residues of the traditionalists (LEITE, 2006:31).


literary form and substance literary language literary text recepção reception sources crítica literária fontes forma e matéria poéticas influences. influências. língua literária literary critical

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