Pedras e caminhos: análise espacial das estruturas arqueológicas remanescentes dos caminhos de tropas no planalto de Lages / Stones and paths: spatial analysis of archaeological structures remaining on troops routes on plateau of Lages


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The goal of this thesis is related to the development of a mapping method using GIS in order to support the identification, as much as possible, the different levels of visual frailty in the Cultural Landscape of troop s routes that are emanescent in the Plateau of Lages. Along with the mapping of material elements, considering their relevance, archeological and patrimonial. The troops activity, in its time, was an important economic process characterized by the transport of animals, mainly donkeys and cattle from the southern Brazil and the Republic of Uruguay to markets in the Southeast, becoming the major integration process throughout the national territory in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Among the remaining elements of this activity are the stones low walls arranged in a way to make corridors through which the animals were conducted towards the Southeast and among the headquarters of the local farms itself. The combination of regional physiographic featuresm, characterized by high altitude fields and structures of archaeological remnants of the troops activity, created an array of significant scenic appeal, currently threatened by infrastructure projects planned to be installed in the region. The main theoretical work are discussed in the linked concepts of geosystem, roughness of space,geographic combinations and spatial analysis. The method is structured in the digital and geometric representation of the study area, using digital models and satellite images. The study of the models and images, provided information about the locations of archaeological structures and allowed to elaborate spatial analysis by the intersection of the most relevant informations. The results obtained allowed to identify the patterns in the implementation of archaeological structures on the landscape as well as establish the levels of visual frailty in the regional landscape and propose areas of protection for archaeological structures identified


análise espacial (estatística) arqueologia lages (sc) análise espacial arqueologia paisagem cultural geografia cultural landscape archaeology spatial analysis paisagens lages (sc) sistemas de informação geográfica

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