Pedagógia de Projetos como Método de Ensino na EAFSB/BA: Manejo de Irrigação em Pastagens. / Pedagogy of Projecto as Method of Teaching in The EAFSB/BA: Handling of Irrigation in Pastures




The present work was carried out by enrolled students in the 3rd grade of Agricultural Technical Course of the School Federal Agrotécnica of Senhor do Bonfim(EAFSB/BA). The research had how principal objective the experience of the Pedagogy of Projects how effective element to corroborate in the significant learning. For so much it was compared the profitability of learning of two groups (A and C) of students, in Which they all participated normally of classes in the Traditional Method usually practiced in the school, and only the group(A) participated indeed of the research. In the work in loco the students of the group A researched the production of dry matter of Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum, shumacher) with different levels of water blade in the various portinos with or without fertilizing organic. The information were collected in this experiment Through the application of questionnaires for the two groups before and after your carrying, discussions produced in the meetings with students, as well the report of the practical part realized in loco. After the submission to the differentiated methods similar behaviour was not noted in the analyzed groups with remarkable superiority of profitability for he groups submited to the Pedagogy of Projects even not presenting meaning statistics. Well, according to the application of the test t de student between the methods after the experiment the difference between the averages was of (-1,6) which the interval of confidence or requires difference bigger than(-2,1544) for that it can be considered statisticly different. It was also noticed through the application of the test t student with 5% of probability of mistake. It was also noticed in the experiment in loco which the grassy (Elephant grass, cv Napier) according to also demonstrated Through the application of the test t student had a significant increase in the production of dry matter when it was added to the fertilizing organic. Therefore, the research Through the Pedagogy of Projects offers strong signs which reinforce the idea that elements of this order exercise a great influence for a significant learning and a transdisciplinary view.


educacao pedagogia de projeto produção de matéria seca pedagogy of projects aprendizagem significativa production of dry matter significant learning.

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