Patrulhamento multiagente em grafos com pesos




A group of agents can be used to perform patrolling tasks in a variety of domains ranging from computer network administration to computer games. Despite its wide range of potential applications, multi-agent architectures for patrolling have not been studied in depth yet. The Artificial Intelligence research group at CIn-UFPE has been developing a pioneer wor k on the subject, which has produced a master dissertation and some publications. This new work reflects on the patrolling problem in a more general way, enriches the environment representation by using weighted-graphs and proposes more advanced architect ures to solve the problem. In order to accomplish this study, besides proposing new architectur es of multiagent systems, we have reconsidered the evaluation criteria to be used, created new experimental scenar ios, and made some modifications to the already developed simulator


ciencia da computacao graphs multiagent systems patrulhamento grafos coor dination patrolling sistemas multiagentes coordenaÃÃo de agentes

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