Participação na territorialização do desenvolvimento turístico rural nos municípios da SDR de Jaraguá do Sul (SC)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The rural tourism development is committed with the agro-livestock production, adding value to the products and services, besides recovering and promoting the cultural and natural heritage of the community. However, when it is not controlled it may cause impacts that suggest a bigger control of this activity. Therefore, it is fundamental that this development occurs with the participation of the subjects involved in this activity, especially the receiver community. In this context the search for sustainability it is essential, because it emphasizes the respect to the environment, the social justice and the citizen participation. About this perspective this research objectified to analyze how the territorial attempt of the rural tourism development in the municipalities in the region of SDR of Jaraguá do Sul occurred, promoting a reflection about the participation of the subjects who experience this territory. The research method used was qualitative, being the instruments to collect data the in loco observation and the semi-structured interview applied to representatives of the public and private organizations, entities and associations linked to tourism activities, tourism students and rural tourism entrepreneurs. The results evidence that there were attempts of rural tourism development in the researched municipalities, however these attempts did not contemplate the participation of the subjects involved. In spite of the interviewees admit the importance of the rural tourism to the regional development, it did not observe a knowledge that could handle the basic issues that require this process. Besides that, the political involvement is restricted and the investment in the sector is very small. Because of this there is a need for strategies that involve the receiver community in the definition of stages of the rural tourism development


sustainability turismo desenvolvimento turístico rural territorialização participação sustentabilidade rural tourism development territorial participation

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