PARNAFOA: um processo de análise de requisitos não-funcionais orientado a aspectos. / PARNAFOA: an aspect-oriented non-functional requirements analysis process.




The aim of this thesis is to define an aspect-oriented non-functional requirements analysis process named PARNAFOA. This process applies nonfunctional requirements methods in an integrated manner, based on NFR Framework, and aspect-oriented methods. A use case model that embodies non-functional requirements as new functions is the main result obtained from this process. PARNAFOA application was performed in five software systems, with diverse features, domains and complexities. The evaluation of this process application showed that the treatment of these non-functional requirements, from the early phases of software systems development, complements the use case model with additional new functions or generates project restrictions. If these requirements are not considered from the very beginning, the introduction of these functions at a later phase can generate modifications in consolidated models or project activities, that do not consider these restrictions, can be performed. The PARNAFOA applications and consequent improvement, incorporated after the assessment, allowed it to become more flexible than the initial version. Future applications, with other non-functional requirements types, will provide this process maturity.


aspect-oriented casos de uso nfr framework nfr framework non-functional requirements orientado a aspectos requisitos não-funcionais sistemas de software software systems use cases

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