Parametros de avaliação da maturação de sardinha (Sardinella brasiliensis, S.) no processo de anchovagem




Four stocks of sardines (Sardinella brasiliensis) were ripened following a process used in the Mediterranean countries to prepare anchovies. During the whole process, there were determined several chemical parameters to verify the usefulness of these tests as an objetive criteria for ripening. At the same time, the samples were submitted to sensory evaluation by a tasting panel of familiarized with this type of product. The results showed that the whole sardines ripened more rapidly than the eviscerated ones. Among these, two lots that were treated with proteolytic enzymes ripened more rapidly than the untreated ones. The four preparations attained the typical flavor, texture and color of a ripe product after 24 weeks. According to the results, of chemical analysis the determination of the solubility of the protein and the values of non protein nitrogen seem to be the best indicators of the changes during ripening. The trimethylamine value was not increased through the whole process and a similar observation was made for the agar plate count of mesophyllic, psychrophillic and halophillic bacteria. The determination of the peroxide value and thiobarbituric acid test showed that detrimental changes of the lipid fraction were of minor importance. The free fatty acid content and the volatile Nitrogen increased continuously with the progress of ripening, However as the general sanitary condition was satisfactory, it was concluded that such increases were the normal result of the ripening process.


sardinha (peixe) pescados

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