"Parada cardiorrespiratória em unidades de internação: vivências do enfermeiro" / "Cardiac arrest in medical admission unit: nurse experiences"




The cardiac arrest is an unexpected alternative in several moments, comprising a serious threaten to people’s lives, mostly of those who suffer an unwitnessed collapse and those hospitalized patients in critical state. In this study, under the light of quality research, making use of critical incident technique, 30 nurses of medical admission units of a university hospital in the state of São Paulo were interviewed, in order to establish the critical requirements in taking care of cardiac arrest in admission units in this hospital, through the nurse experience during the maneuvers of cardiac pulmonary resuscitation, identifying the positive and/or negative critical incidents during such care, and also the iatrogenic occurrences during the maneuvers of cardiac pulmonary resuscitation. The recorded data were classified according to secondary situations, once we determinated that the main situation was the occurrence of cardiac arrest, the behaviors, and the alternative consequences of the several situations. On secondary situations, we found the following categories: the patient/client clinical state and conditions; ability of techniques of profession; knowledge or ignorance around the CRA; identification and recognition (or ignorance) of workplace; conditions of material and appliances; capability and training; and adverse circumstances. In relation to the positive behaviors, we highlight the following categories: experiencing the systemization in taking care of cardiac arrest; in relation to the materials; and determining the functions during the medical care to cardiac arrest. As for the negative behaviors, we can highlight the following categories: experiencing the lack (or absence) of systemization in medical care to cardiac arrest; living with adverse occurrences; and to establish functions: dealing with priorities. Once the secondary situation, the positive and negative behaviors were selected, we could classify the immediate consequences to the patient/client, and as category the gruping of positive consequences we have: recovery of vital functions; as categories of negative consequences to the patient/client we have: to what extent the does the cardiac pulmonary resuscitation help the patient/client and his/her family? and death. Evaluating the positive consequences for the nursing team we have the category: saving lives: what does it promote to the professional? And as category comprising the negative consequences for these professional we have: to be part of the team is to know how to deal with pain. From the identified critical incidents we can accentuate that for a good performance in taking care of CRA it is necessary rapidity, efficiency, scientific-technical knowledge and the ability of all the team who perform the medical care. Besides that we identify the need of the adequate infra-structure, harmonious work between all of the professionals, aiming the recovery of life, the limitations of pain, the recovery of the patient/client and the minimal ocurrence of sequelae. From the moment those requirements are fulfilled risks become evident, the iatrogenic occurrences frequent and the patient/client safety seriously committed.


critical incident technique técnica do incidente crítico enfermagem cardiac arrest nursing parada cardiorrespiratória

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