Padrão quali-quantitativo do descarte de águas residuárias em áreas carentes: um estudo no Alto do Bom Viver em Salvador.




In most informal settlements (slums) found in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, the inhabitants of these areas are surrounded by environmental degradation and their wastewater is thrown into steep rainwater ditches as there is little or no formal sewerage nor drainage system. This research attempts to analyse the wastewater disposed of by the population of the area Alto do Bom Viver comparing it with the annual, monthly and daily levels rainfall in the area. It also analyses the pressure exerted by the population on the environment by the excessive parcelling of land leading to intensive landuse densities which are associated with rudimentary wastewater disposal practices. The research methodology involved the use of maps, aerial photographs, rainfall records, the construction of parameters for the calculation of cross-sectional flow levels in pipes and field research with the use of questionnaires and photography. It was found that the quantity of wastewater discharged by the population of the settlement over a year was slightly less than the amount of rainfall that fell on the area over the same period. This reveals that the amount of water discharged by the population was surprisingly high, and furthermore, that a slight increase in income among the population with resulting increase in water consumption can lead to a after quantity of wastewater discharged in the area than the amount of rainfall. This has implications for the design of wastewater and drainage systems in such areas.


esgotos sanitários engenharia sanitaria águas residuárias encostas

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