Padrão de codependência e prevalência de sintomas psicossomáticos.




The prevalence and treatment of addiction continues to require the attention of the scientific world but it is already understood that the environment in which it develops should be studied. However, despite of the growing numbers of publications, codependence is still the object of controversy. This work aims at better understanding codependence, investigating a relationship pattern presented in family members with a history of alcoholism. Two aspects were investigated. The pattern of interrelationship feelings within codependency was studied as well as possible correlations between this relationship pattern in the family and re- ncidence of the psychosomatic symptoms. Fifty individuals were randomly interviewed in a public health center. They filled in a questionnaire and any symptoms and illnesses not justifiable by laboratorial tests were reviewed on their medical report cards. Also the number of consultations each patient made in 2002 and 2003 was recorded. Alcoholics and mentally handicapped patients were excluded from the study. The study group included individuals with a family history of parents or grandparents who suffered from alcoholism or alternatively, children or grandchildren suffering from the same disease. The remaining interviewees formed a control group. Statistical analysis of the responses demonstrated evidence of a significant difference in all the items studied: feelings, behavior, childhood memories and number of medical consultations. In conclusion, there is a typical relationship pattern in codependency; individuals from families with a x history of alcoholism have specific characteristics; codependent subjects consult health professionals more often and present psychosomatic symptoms more frequently compared to the average person without this history.


alcoolismo psicologia psiquiatria psiquiatria

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