Oxidação do hidrogenio sobre catalizador de paladio suportado em alumina




The reduction of volatile organic compound (VOC s) by catalitic incineration was studied in a pilot-scale plant containing a fixed bed reactor constituted with palladium supported in alumina catalyst. The experiments with ethanol, toluene, acetone, ethyl acetate, n-hexane and a mixture formed with acetone, ethyl acetate and n-hexane, diluted in air, was conducted in the range of temperature of 200° -380°C, flow rate of 0,20 - 0,70 ?NM POT. 3 / min and concentration of 300 - 3000 ppmv of VOC. The effect of enthalpy variation due rate reaction was equalize by definition of an energetic base, common to alI compounds, which allows to compare the results. The qualitative analysis of results verify the effect of operating parameters on conversion and establish the order compound conversion in relation of reaction rate. The quantitative analysis of results was done with adiabatic model of reator and with global reaction rate assumed as the mass transfer rate of compounds ftom fluid fase to catalyst surface. The efficiency of heat exchanger, which was used to recorver a part of energy introduced in the system,was determined for several operating conditions. The results indicate that catalytic incineration conversion is more than 98% for VOC s and mixture in adequate operation conditions and the maximum temperature observed in the fixed bed allows to compensate activity change of catalyst


processos quimicos hidrogenio oxidação

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