Our advertisements, please! : an analysis of discourse on the advertising langage. / Nossos comerciais, por favor! : uma análise discursiva sobre a linguagem publicitária.




We bring in this work a discursive analysis on the language advertising executive whose epistemological anchorage that occurs for the theory of the Analysis of Speech (AD) of French origin (MICHEL PÊCHEUX). We add interlocutions with Bakhtin. We still include some scholars of the communication, the advertising and the marketing Neves, Sant Anna, Gracioso, Predebon in an attempt to analyze the directions of the speech advertising executive, from the corpus formed by announcements of a campaign propagated in 2001, signed by Associação Brasileira de Agências de Publicidade (the Brazilian Association of Publicity Agencies (ABAP)) and others associations linked to the advertising communication. Some of aims we consider are to make possible a critical reading of the advertising speech; to identify indicative of explicit and implicit points, already-said revealing; to recognize ideological traces that affect the constituent sense of discursive universes and citizens opinions. From the used boarding theoretical, we identify that the production of the advertising speech - symptom of the capital - is based on the social interlocutions and the exercise of a power that uses a cloudy language, focused in conflicts, contradictions, promises of all cost success, finding fertile land for its proper the capitalism development and maintenance.


análise de discurso marketing analysis of speech publicidade advertising marketing linguistica

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