Os Rosarios dos Angolas : irmandades negras, experiencias escravas e identidades africanas na Bahia setecentista




The Rosary brotherhoods in Bahia, from the first foundations in the middle of the XVIIIth century to the end of the XIXth century, were mostly controlled by Africans from Angola and their Creole partners. That shows a valuation of this place by the Angolans more than any other African group. The identification with Catholic brotherhoods points to the importance of Catholicism in Central Africa and, at the same time, reveals this characteristic as a fundamental one in the constitution of a particular identity inside the slave community and Bahian society in general. This dissertation discusses, also, this identification in the slave experience in the Portuguese kingdom, and suggests a singular perspective for the historical investigation of the Rosary devotion, the black brotherhoods and the Angolan identity during the XVIIIth century, over three continents


escravidão - reconcavo (ba) salvador (ba) brazil blacks 18th century negros - brasil religion escravidão - salvador (ba) slavery blacks reconcavo (ba) negros - religião brazil slavery

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