Os PCNEM e PCN + de língua estrangeira : sugestões aplicáveis / Os PCNEM e PCN + de língua estrangeira : sugestões aplicáveis




Having as basis the National Curricular Parameters for High School ? PCNEM (Brasil, 1999) and the National Curricular Parameters + for High School ? PCN+ (Brasil, 2002), both for foreign languages, this study verifies how the English language teaching of reading happens in first high school classes. Aiming a comparison, the investigation took place in two high schools, one of them a public, and the other a private high school. Through ethnographic research, centered in the teaching-learning process, we aimed to observe teacher-text-student interaction during reading classes. We searched to testify through questionnaires answered by high school English language teachers and also through classes observation, if a teacher?s approach is connected to PCNEM and PCN+ suggestions, that is, we tried to verify if the referred suggestions are applicable. As theoretical reference we used reading concepts and strategies. Finally, we could conclude that teachers make use of some of the two Parameters proposed items; however this fact is due to intuitive beliefs of what should be positive in the teaching process of reading more than to the use of some of the reading concepts we have. We also concluded that the biggest teaching obstacles in the observed classes are the outnumbered classes and indiscipline.


língua inglesa - estudo e ensino língua inglesa - estudo e ensino leitura leitura língua inglesa (2º grau) língua inglesa (2º grau) english language - study and teaching english language - study and teaching english language (secondary) english language (secondary)

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