Os discursos docentes sobre inclusão de alunas e alunos surdos no ensino regular : identidades e letramentos




Special Education in Brazil has undergone significant transformations given the proposal for social inclusion of persons with special needs. In light of this, we seek to investigate discourses, literacy practices (reading and writing practices) and teacher identities in relation to the inclusion of students with hearing deficiencies in the Regular School System so as to understand the inclusive school context, its specificities, the nature of teaching practices, inclusive literacy practices and their relations with the other actors involved in this social practice. The corpus is made up of transcripts of interviews conducted with 6 (six) female teachers and 1 (one) male teacher during the periods October to December 2007 and March to May 2008. Theoretically, this study is developed based upon contributions from Ethnography (André, 1995; Peirano, 1995, Lopes, 2004), together with the Social Theory of Literacy (Barton, 1994; Barton &Hamilton, 1998; Barton, Hamilton &Ivanič, 2000) and Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 1992, 2003). Categories used in the analysis were genre (actional meaning), lexical choices (representational meaning), modality and evaluation (identificational meaning). The results indicate that in relation to inclusion, the discourses reflect compassion or a legal perspective among female and male voices. In terms of teacher identities and inclusion, results show that women are more willing to invest in changes at the beginning of the process, whilst men seek out resources to adapt to the new teaching practice. Thus, we believe that in the regular school system in Brasília, the literacy process for students in inclusion is still not guided by full democratic principles as the same are still in construction phase.


teacher identities discourse práticas de letramento inclusão identidades docentes surdez inclusion linguistica discurso literacy practice hearing deficiency

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