Os conflitos ambientais na teoria social contemporânea : a perspectiva tríade para análise do controle social dos transgênicos no Brasil.




New bio-technologies, in particular genetic engineering, through Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) or Transgenics, require the problematization of its social extension and interests, determined by social organizations to which it associates itself, and also by the structures necessary for its functioning. The main goal of this study is to analyze the environmental conflicts arising from the debate over the social control of transgenics in the context of Brazilian society. The theoretical- methodological focus is based on dialectic principal, and in considering its theoretical and empirical ambivalence, problematizes the environmental theme as the heart of the conflicts between organizations. The operationalization of the empirical research detained itself in a broad category of documents of public dominion (free and/or regulated) of the principal organizations, archetypes of the debate, seen as follows: governmental (the National Technical Commission of Bio-security CTN-Bio), and non- governmental (the multi-national enterprise Monsanto-Brazil and the NGO Greenpeace-Brazil). Content analysis was resorted to in order to systematize these documents, and the result was the creation of an analytical picture of the political process which configures the debate over the social control of transgenics in Brazil, seen during two scenarios (1998/2002 and 2003/2006, respectively relative to the presidential terms of Fernando Henrique Cardoso e Luís Inácio Lula da Silva). This incursion allowed for the detecting of results relative to the mechanisms through which the organizations internalize the environmental issue as a strategy of consensus/dissension in the ambit of political process. It was stated that the environmental issue, in light of the dialectic perspective on one hand, permits the revitalization of forgotten dimensions in the ambit of social theories as a counterpoint for the conceptualizing of contemporary social theories, resulting in the visibility of the nuances of environmental conflicts between the organizations, and on the other hand points out the challenges, limits, and perspectives for constructing a model which is intended to be sustainable.


environmental issue aconceitualidades environmental conflicts questão ambiental sustainable development organismos geneticamente modificados conflitos ambientais ciencias sociais aplicadas desenvolvimento sustentavel genetically modified organisms biotecnologias

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