Os clássicos árabes da teoria da tradução




Translation has been under the focus of attention of Arabian thinkers since antiquity. The present thesis is an attempt to frame and critique a few theoretical aspects of translation present in a number of Arabian scholars the study of which was also undertaken by western theoreticians, most notably von Humboldt and Schleiermacher. The study presented here allows us to visualize a few similarities both in terms of the nature of the problems tackled and solutions proposed by several translation scholars, whether Arab or Western, modern or not. The thesis has both a practical and a theoretical scope. First, it was necessary to translate the selected Arabic texts into Portuguese. Second, critical comments, based on Berman.s analysis of translation, were written to explain the process of translating those texts. Finally, a comparative analysis was carried out with a view to unveiling the commonalities present in the texts translated from Arabic and in the texts by von Humboldt and Schleiermacher.


lingua arabe linguistica, letras e artes tradução e interpretação

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