Os bonecões no carnaval de Atibaia : uma experiência em arte-educação / Atibaia s giant dummies carnival : an art-education experience


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The intention of this work can be justified in its essence: it is an experiment in art education. It highlights proposals of activities with realistic goals, closer to the student s universe and that can be undertaken within the classroom. In this sense, sensitive education - stimulated by the experience and close observation of our everyday life, the contemplation of nature and the symbiosis with experiences and research offered by popular culture - was a strong ally. The aforementioned procedures were crucial to facilitate conceptual learning and to awaken the interest in the production of sculptures in art classes. The development of three-dimensional works with students in elementary school seemed like a great challenge for us, given that we are aware of the lack of appropriate equipments and suitable spaces for such practice. The confection of giant puppets was the teaser to awaken the student s interest, and the arts workshop carried out within CEFI School (Center for Integrated Education and Training) has facilitated the development process. The practice of recycling materials of daily use, by means of works of assemblage, resulted not only in sensitive enchantment, but also raised the aesthetic sensibility of the apprentices. Furthermore, it advanced awareness and respect for the environment and encouraged conservation initiatives. The understanding of popular culture achieved through this project transformed a pedagogical action, initially restricted to the ambient of a school, into a pleasurable engagement with society. This process also recovered the Giant Puppet Carnival at Atibaia, that disappeared twenty years ago. There was great emotional appeal and mutual development. The students produced sculptures that met the public in the city center, where they interacted and complemented each other: works and spectators.


arte e educação cultura popular imagem tridimensional art and education popular culture three-dimensional imaging

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