Os benefícios das entidades abertas de previdência privada: a preservação dos interesses dos participantes




This work focuses on Open-end Private Pension Plans and on the mechanisms available to protect the interests of participants. The role accorded to such Plans under the Federal Constitution and the respective sphere of activities will also be addressed. To that end, this work has relied on the Federal Constitution, infraconstitutional legislation, legal writings and some past court rulings. This theoretical research is grounded on documentary surveys, and also refers to landmark historical events. All of these elements are intended to serve as a source of research on which interested partias may draw. To that effect, this work starts at a clear delimitation of the matter under study and then moves on to Social Rights and to Social Security issues, where the organization, principles and elements of Social Security as a whole are generally analyzed for a comprehensive understanding of Private Pension Plans within this context. The subsequent chapter portrays the major features and distinctions between the Social Security and Private Pension systems. Thereafter, the maio points in the Federal Constitution concerning Private Pension Plans and how they are put into practice the world over are described. Subsequently, the contractual nature of such Plans and their specific features are under analysis, concentrating on the consumer relation nature of Private Pension Plans. Finally, olhar remarks are made on non-payment of pension benefits as well as on the measures prescribed by the system to avoid this default. A conclusion follows, with emphasis on the limited assurances given to participants in Private Pension Plans


previdencia privada aberta direito direito previdenciario previdencia social privada

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