Os Acordos de Roboré - Brasil, Bolívia e as questões do petróleo, desenvolvimento e dependência no final dos anos 1950




In 1958, Brazil and Bolivia signed the Robore Agreements, with the purpose of exploiting oil and gas in Bolivian territory. As the Bolivian government required the participation of Brazilian companies only, a discussion was brought about on who was to extract the Bolivian oil: Petrobras, which hold the monopoly in Brazil, private Brazilian companies not allowed to exploit in Brazilian territory - or these last companies associated with foreign capital, acting as spearhead of transnational corporations, especially those in United States. At the moment president Juscelino Kubitschek creates the OPA (Operation Pan-American), civil bureaucrats and militaries, professional politicians, and the unions disagree on the question, proposing alternative solutions to the government policy. Meanwhile in Bolivia, social forces have the negotiations under their spot, being many those who would notice traits of an imperialist politics in Brazils relation to the Andean country. The Robore Agreements were updates of the Treaty of 1938, signed between Brazil and Bolivia at a time when Petrobras still didnt exist in Brazil while in Bolivia, as a consequence of the defeat in Chaco War, the concessions of Standard Oil Co. had been taken away, and the state company YPFB had been created. At that time, an approach with Brazil seemed necessary and desirable to Bolivia as a way to stop other neighbors to encroach the already threatened Bolivian sovereignty, once Bolivian territory had been made smaller as a result of the voracity of border countries, in a succession of conflicts which had been taking place since the XIXth century. Before tackling the Brazil-Bolivia relations, a study has been conducted on the antecedents of the expansionist and imperialist politics in South America, whose landmark can be identified with the so-called Paraguay War. Its worth mentioning that during Paraguay War Bolivia and Brazil signed their first treaty of borders, at a moment when Brazilian diplomacy tried to consolidate the hegemony of the country in the region


brasil -- relacoes exteriores -- bolivia acordos roboré ciencias sociais aplicadas bolivia -- relacoes exteriores -- brasil exploração de petróleo tratados comerciais exploração de gás industria petrolifera

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