Organizações Comunitárias de Provisão Social nos Estados Unidos e França / Communal Social Security Organizations in the United States and in France




In the last ten years increased specialized literature called attention towards new roles of nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations in the United States. Similar trend may be identified in France towards the économie sociale and nonprofit organizations. In both countries, these organizations are strongly related with the welfare state changes profiles since 1980. This research paper describes such changes in the 90 s among nonprofit organizations in the United States and France, focusing on: (i) dominant social and political actors, and their relations with governmental welfare programs and policies; (ii) resources they are able to drive among government and capitalist market institutions and networks; and (iii) ends and ideologies among the social and political actors related with these organizations, concerning the future of welfare states policies in the United States and France.


organizações não-governamentais setor voluntário Économie sociale sistemas de bem-estar exclusão social frança estados unidos análise comparativa

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