Organização do trabalho pedagógico na formação de professores do MST: realidade e possibilidades.




This study is inserted among the ones that investigate the pedagogical practice inthe MST teachers formation, having how object the organization of the pedagogical work. As guide problem we ask: "Do the projects of formation in Pedagogy of the Land in development in the MST/BA modify the organization of the pedagogical work making possible the apreension/construction of the knowledge from the revolutionary práxis of the fight for the land"? We try to identify relations between work and education, recognizing that the pedagogical work and its organization express in the particularity of the Social Movement general traces of the alienated work, impregnating the educative action of contradictions whose historical content brings risks to the emancipatory pretensions of the own Movement. We indicate that it has concrete possibilities and of essence that must be identified in the contradictions present in the course to redimensionate the practice. Therefore, we try to contribute with the construction of the concrete pedagogical theory, contributing with the movement to articulate the formation process to the fight for the land and in the construction of the socialism.


formação rural education educacao professores movimento dos trabalhadores sem terra teachers formation educação do campo

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