Ongs ambientalistas : desafios e gestão de agentes voluntários de políticas ambientais




This work analyzes the use of Environmental Management Instruments, by environmental Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), based on principles of environmental economy. It investigates the management instruments application by environmental NGOs, regarding with its contribution to reach their objectives. It contextualizes the actions of environmental NGOs as entities of the third sector, analyzing their different roles and their challenges - legitimaticy, efficiency, sustainability and collaboration. A case study uses management models in order to evaluate an ONG, verifying the contribution of the models to identify some points to improve the organization. The major failure of the NGOs management observed is related to the absence of a clear definition of qualitative and quantitative indicators, which would favour the analysis of efficacy and efficiency of the of NGOs management methods. It also confirms that the challenges to the third sector (Salomon, 2000) still stands. Moreover, the NGO effectively contributes to a better formulation and execution of environmental policies, as an important agent of voluntary approach. Concludes that the NGOs management models analysis allow to identify their efficacy and effectiveness and their relation with the internal and external environment. Aiming to the organization improvement, management models can also be useful to the NGO itself, to its partners and collaborators by the use of its mission, resources and actions as a reference. The study suggests the necessity of formulation of qualitative and quantitative indicators according to the reality of NGO. These efforts benefit the convergence between subjective and objective existing factors in the organization actions and objectives. It also suggests the creation of forums to discuss the NGOs role as well as the implementation of management awards, with quantitative and qualitative indicators based on principles of environmental economy.


modelos de gestão. environmental ngos management voluntary approach environmental economy management models economia do meio ambiente abordagem voluntária economia gestão de ongs ambientalistas

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