One-Step PCR To Distinguish B Virus from Related Primate Alphaherpesviruses


American Society for Microbiology


By adding betaine to the PCR mixture, we previously established a PCR method to amplify a DNA segment of the glycoprotein G gene of B virus (BV) derived from a rhesus macaque. We have found that DNA of other BV strains derived from cynomolgus, pigtail, and lion-tailed macaques can also serve as the template in our PCR assay. Under the same conditions no product was obtained with DNA of simian agent 8 of green monkeys and Herpesvirus papio 2 of baboons, or the human herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2. Thus, this PCR method is useful to discriminate BV from other closely related primate alphaherpesviruses.

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