"One and two-photon induced birefringence in Salen dye cast films" / "Estudo da birrefringência fotoinduzida por um e dois fótons em compostos azoaromáticos da família salen".




In this work we present the one- and two-photon optically induced birefringence in cast films of amorphous poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), containing a new series of organometallic azoaromatic compounds, referred to as Salen dyes, which may be used in optical storage applications. For the one-photon optically induced birefringence, longer writing times were required for the organometallic compounds in comparison with the nonmetal one, probably due to the higher degree of aggregation in the azoaromatic moieties that precludes molecular orientation. Furthermore, as a novelty concerning optical storage, two-photon optically induced birefringence could be achieved in the Salen dyes guest-host films, which allows their application in three-dimensional optical memories.


memória óptica birefringence azopolymers absorção de dois fótons birrefringência fotoinduzida optical storage azopolímeros two-photon absorption

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