The current work has as objective to investigate the initial formation of teachers, focusing on the construction of theory-practice knowledge on the Practice of Teachings discipline. The practice of teaching and the supervised internship on the teachers development has a long trajectory of discussions and problems in the last decades. The practice of teaching is still seeing as a practical moment of the Pedagogy course, that the students come close to the schools reality that they are going to act. The theory support to sustain the intended discussions in this work got divided in two aspects: the discussions about the profession of teaching and the historic-cultural psychology. We brought on several meanings about the profession of teaching as: the reflexive teacher, the investigator teacher and the efficient teacher. Studies and researches about the practice of teaching utilizing the authors: Marli André (2001), Pimenta (1995, 1999, 2002), Lüdke (2001a, 2001b), Ramalho (2003), Nóvoa (1995) e Garcia (1999). We examined the postulate developed by Vigotki and his interlocutors to describe our analysis though. The information analyzed here was obtained through filming and activities made from student in class. Nine students from the 6th period of Pedagogy in the Practice of Teachings discipline made this part of the research. The information was collected in a period of four months, from March to June in 2005, making a total of 13 meetings with the group. It deals about a qualitative research because we try to understand the object from the subjects perspective of the investigation. The information are analyzed in a reflexive and interpretative way, clinging on the study of values, meanings, beliefs and routines present on the investigations area. From the selection and the collected informations systematic, the analysis was described, making the use of the analysis of contents methodology from Laurence Bardin (1979). We organized the information through posteriori categories, defined according to the activities and dynamics done with the students. We call these different moments as Analysis Blocks being defined as: (1) The us and the me on the groups formation where we analyzed two activities: Presentation, My Mask and Memory of Teacher. (2) Training the eye contact: a directed observation as an object of the knowledges construction, we had as objective to analyze the theory-practices activities of observation. Three activities made this block: Optical Illusion, stimulating the senses, the play, the observe and registrate and dramatizing and observing daily schools situations. (3) Reports of observations experiences. We analyzed the students reports after realizing the directed observation at schools. Our analysis indicated that, some how this practice of teachings organizations allows the teachers to develop within the students a work that propitiates the construction of abilities and competences, like reflection, a sensible observation, a critique attitude, argumentation. These skills are indispensable to elaborate an intervention project that talks about the research, the students experience and the schools real needs allowed by the internship.


prática de ensino knowledges production meanings produção de conhecimento e significações professores - formação educacao practice of teaching

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