Obtenção e caracterização de blendas de poli(p-dionanona)/poli(L-acido lactico) (PPD/PLLA) para aplicação como protese de menisco bioreabsorvivel




In the last years, the bioreabsorbable polymers have been gained an increased importance in the medical field, due to its charactheristics of bioreabsorbability and biocompatibility. In order to obtain a polymeric material adequated to be used as meniscus prosthesis, bioreabsorbable blends of poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA) and poly-p-dioxanone (PPD) have been prepared by solvent casting and melting processo The blends were studied using modulated differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy, tensile tests, x-ray diffractometry, dinamical mechanical analysis and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Thennal analysis showed two glass transition temperatures nearly constant and equal to the pure polymers for all blend compositions, suggesting that both polymers are immiscible. The 20/80 and 80/20 blends presented better homogeneity, while 40/60, 50/50 and 60/40 compositions presented a clearly macrosepared system. Blends were immersed in tubes containing a phosphate buffer solution (pH = 7,4) in a thermally controlled bath of 37 :t: 1°C and studied by DSC, thennogravimetric analisys (TGA) and scanning electron microscopy. It was observed by in vitro study that PLLA has a slower degradation rate than PPD and the blends presented an intennediated degradation rate, showing that is possible to vary the degradation rate of the blend changing its composition. The in vitro study was important to permit the choice of the 80/20 blend as the more adequated to implant. An in vivo study was perfonned in rabbits with the porous blend PPD/PLLA (80/20) containing 10 wt % of polymer and 3 wt % of sodium trietil citrate. Meniscectomy was made in rabbits, and the prosthesis were retired after 3,6, 12, 14 and 15 weeks intervals. The samples were observed by scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy. The in vivo study showed that after 14 weeks it was possible to observe fibrocartilage, suggesting that this material has great potential to be used as meniscal prosthesis due to the induced fonnation of a meniscal replic


engenharia biomedica polimeros na medicina materiais biomedicos materiais compostos biodegradação compostos polimericos biocompatibilidade mistura (quimica)

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