Obtaining an aromatic extract of shrimp from their industrial waste / Obtenção de um extrato aromatico de camarão a partir de seus residuos industriais




This research deals with the utilization of shrimp wastes to prepare an extract of shrimp flavor for the food industry. Three types of wastes were examined: type I, consisted of sea bobs which were either smaller than those of commercial size or damaged; type 11, was made up of resiàues from the manually peeled pink shrimp and type 111 was constituted mainly of shells derived from the mechanical peeling of sea-bobs. The process involved the cooking of the residues in an open container, a pressure-cooker or with live steam, followed by pressing to produce a liquid extract. A part of this extract was freeze-dried directly, and then evaluated by the panel test and analysed for chemical composition. These data showed that cooking under pressure gave the best results. To a number of extracts prepared from type I and type III wastes by cooking under pressure, maldextrin, corn starch,arabic gum or corn oil were added to improve fixation of volatiles. Sensory evaluation of the extracts showed that flavor intensity was a function of the type of residue, being higherfor the type I wastes. As rule, flavor fixatives did not improve, retention during freeze-drying, wi th the exception of the com oil that improved the taste significantly (p <" 0.05). Corn oil and maldextrin did show advantages in keeping the quality of flavor after three months of storage.Type I and type III headspace extracts collected at 259C, 509C and 709C, were analysed by gas chromatography in a capillary column. The chromatograms were dependent on the "type of wastes and collection temperature. Volatiles 00llected at 709C yielded chromatograms that were adequa te for sample characterization. Type I volatiles consisted mainly of compounds.with intermediate retention time (tr) ranging from 16 to 50 minutes". Type III volatiles showed a large number of light compounds with retention time (tr) below 15 minutes. The effect of the addition of fixatives was evident in the chromatogram. The most relevant change was noticed in the sample containing corn oil which did not show any peaks, owing to complete retention of the volatiles.A shrimp extract prepared under the best conditions established during the present work was employed to prepare shrimp flavoured consome, cream soup and cream crackers.The addition of 1.5% of the freeze-dried shrimp extract to alI the above mentioned products was sufficient to produce a characteristic shrimp flavor


shrimp camarão

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