O uso pedagógico das tecnologias de vídeo e televisão: análise do programa TV Escola no município de Tubarão - SC




This study discusses the possibilities derived from the present technological artifacts and their consequences to education. We point the need to reflect on the pedagogical use of the present means of communication, specially the video and the television. With this purpose, we analysed the implementation of the Program TV Escola (School TV) in the municipality of Tubarão and its contribution to the pedagogical use of the video and the television in state public schools. The investigation was centered on the formation of teachers proposed by the Program TV Escola, and the limitations and possibilities of the accomplishment of the objectives proposed by the Program TV Escola starting from the reality of the state public schools in the municipality of Tubarão. We compared the speeches of the official agencies that are responsible for the Program with the process experienced in the schools, using the data gathered together with teachers and managers of five schools in the state public network of the municipality of Tubarão. These data allow for delineating the context of the TV Escola and for making evident that the realization of the objective defined by the proposers of the Program are still a challenge to the school and the educational system.


tv escola (school tv televisão na educação escolas públicas formation of teachers tv escola educacao tubarão (sc) meios auxiliares de ensino formação de professores public schools

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