O uso da argila como meio expressivo e de autoconhecimento / The use of clay as an expressive way and self knowledge




Jung made eyes at creativity and imagination; both become him an important reference to whom throws itself into the creative world. From his point of view, symbolic experience is an essential tool to psychic growth. Through this job, I purpose a theorist reflection based on my plastique know-how with clay and on mix of two knowledge fields: Art and Psychology. I try to define an approach, which give me a sense when make reference to art and creation. Some questions show up about what could stimulate artists to produce their work nowadays. Beuys developed a work, where art has none reference with traditional process creations. On the other hand, it achieves all life s creations. By using pioneering and relevance of its thought, it is possible to fundament the idea that an internal reality and psychic experience from creation process have a great value. Jung called assimilation method of unconscious contents as "Active Imagination". It consists of capacity to relate our feelings, thoughts, attitudes and emotions, objectifying them by several forms. Internal experiences have their proper languages and represent an inexhaustible source of contents. They can be explored not by dreams only, but through plastique expressions, dance movement, poetry and others. Alchemical world vision didn t establish divisions between subject and object. When matter transmutation denominates some speech, actually it refers to transformation process occurred with the man himself. Once he didn t have enough matter knowledge, he turned it in a mirror to reflect all events of his soul. Then, it was possible to draw an interesting perception between three alchemical process phases: nigredo, albedo and rubedo as well as between three clay work stages: clay cleaning, piece production and fire processes. This research looks for to establish an analogical relation between experiences with clay work and its transformation into ceramic; experience of some "Active Imagination" phases; and alchemical process from Junguiana conception


argila cerâmica psicologia analitica autoconhecimento imaginação clay ceramics psychology selfknowledge imaginary

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