O tratamento jurídico penal ao tráfico internacional de pessoas para fins sexuais no Brasil à luz da Convenção de Palermo




This paper rests its analysis on the paths of globalization, towards transnational crime, in particular, the crime of international people trafficking for sexual purposes. This offense is, in actuality, one of the great evils of modern civilization, a serious violation of human rights, that in recent decades has reached alarming levels, which reveled, by the international community, especially the Brazilian government, aims to combat. Accordingly, the search has concentrated its analyses at the criminal-legal treatment given by Brazil to the offense, facing the necessary measures to prevent and combat the illicit, professed in the Palermo Protocol, considering the posture of this country before the international commitment, when the ratification of that instrument in 2004. In the context of the globalized world, the work advices for a social-economic environment not conducive to the absorption of regulatory policies for preventing and combating illicit. This approach directs the search to discuss the potential effectiveness of ruling on the Brazilian criminal matter, considered the definition given to the offense in the Criminal Code in force, as well as the National Policy to Combat People Trafficking and the subsequent National Plan for Confronting, existing in Brazil


globalização transnational crime sexual exploitation / prostitution convention / protocol of palermo exploração sexual/prostituição tráfico humano - mulheres international people trafficking direito tráfico internacional de pessoas convenção/protocolo de palermo criminalidade transnacional direito penal globalization

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